Dear Friends of CHEAFRICA,
We would like to wish you and your family and friends a Blessed and Happy Christmas.
The past 2 plus years have been tough times for everyone. Many organizations have gone wanting under the pressures of reduced funding. CHEAFRICA has, despite the hardships, been in a fortunate position to continue its support to:

I was invited to the graduation at Masikhule and I would like to share the letter that was sent to us.

I would also like to quote from a lovely letter that was hand written to us last week.
“To see these children everyday smiling when some are living in such hostile environments, but yet through your support they can still smile and play, eat and grow. We will be forever grateful for the love and compassion you have shown.”
Zelna Cupido
Once again our thanks to David and Ann Faulks of the Beatrice Hankey Foundation for their generous donation.
CHEAFRICA Friends, thank you so much for your support in the past, we hope we can count on you in the year to come.
Wishing you all for the New Year Happiness, Enthusiasm and Positivity.
Best Wishes
Vicky and the CHEAFRICA Team
“Don’t judge each day by the Harvest you reap
but the Seeds that you plant”
Robert Louis Stevenson